US Forest Service

This Wednesday, April 22nd, is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, an international celebration of the earth and the importance of protecting our beautiful planet for future generations. We may not be able to gather together this year, but we can still celebrate and help our children learn about their home planet.

Wallowology’s CODE Green program is teaming up with Building Healthy Families and Wallowa Resources to help local families recognize the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.
We will be assembling and making available Earth Day at Home kits. These kits will be full of ideas, supplies and activities, so that celebrating this important day is easy and fun- and possible in your own backyard.
Kits will be available for pick up at Wallowology in Joseph, Building Healthy Families in Enterprise, MCrow in Lostine, and Homeland Project in Wallowa beginning Tuesday, April 21.
Feel free to grab a kit for your family and remember to leave a six foot distance between yourself and others collecting kits.
Bre Austin
Having fun celebrating? Post photographs of the activities you are doing for Earth Day on your family’s Instagram profile and add #Wallowaearthdayproject to your caption so that others can see what you were up to (your account has to be public for the community to view your post). Use #Wallowaearthdayproject if you’d like to post your photos on Facebook.
To learn more about Earth Day and what people are doing worldwide to celebrate this year, check out this fantastic website, Earth Day at Home with NASA and another great website put out by the official international Earth Day organization. They both offer a bit of Earth Day history and a lot of resources and activities that are worth sharing.